Canine Shiatsu Association Aims
Aim - to promote Canine Shiatsu and bring competent, professional Shiatsu to the world of dogs.
Aim - The CSA is committed to identifying the range and standards of the necessary knowledge, skills, aptitudes and attitudes for the practitioner of Canine Shiatsu or Ki9 Connection. Based on this, the CSA will ratify courses that meet those requirements and approve individuals who achieve the requirements of the professional Canine Shiatsu Practitioner or Ki9 Connection Practitioner.
Aim - The CSA will hold a Register of Practitioners and Students, who will be members. The Register will be the source of reference for responding to enquiries for CSA Practitioners from members of the public. Continuing registration will depend on fulfilment of and adherence to the CSA's ethical code.
Shiatsu / KiConnection Practitioner Aims
Aim - For Shiatsu/ Ki9 Connection to complement and integrates with Traditional Western Medicine and all other complementary therapies such as Osteopathy, Hydrotherapy and to advise when Shiatsu is not being an effective therapy; at all time the wellbeing of the dog is the primary concern.
Aim - A CSA Practitioner will respect the rights of the animal not to be treated. This includes allowing space and freedom without any restraint, and for the dog to move around the environment at will and exit the room if appropriate.
Look closely and you'll see this Cocker Spaniel is in blissful relaxation, this coined the term 'Zen Eyes' - at peace with a Shiatsu Touch treatment.